Saturday, June 29, 2013

Camp and an Update

I thought I'd do a quick update for you all about how things are with me and my lovely jaw. 

If you aren't religious at all or just offended by religious talk then stop reading here.

So I went to camp, for all of you who didn't know that and it was my youth group and it was probably one of the best experiences of my life. Not only was I able to make some amazing friends but I really got to share what was burdening me about this surgery--you know, everything that was listed in my blog that I was having issues with. Anyway, not only was I able to do that, but I was also able to just pray for myself and ask God to show me that His opinion was the only one that mattered and before this surgery, I was still loved and I was still beautiful in His eyes. I didn't need to be beautiful in anybody else's eyes but His and despite the surgery, I'm still desired and loved by Him and that is all that matters. 

In other words, I grew a lot at camp and I'm really glad that I went.

On a real update though, I didn't get to meet with my pareodontist--thingy or whatever because my dad had gotten a new job that conflicted with my appointment time. In other news, my smile is looking better, but my teeth are still as sensitive and it bothers me. I still can't really bite into anything really without feeling really sensitive about my teeth or just feeling a tad bit of pain but I'm sure things will get better. My nose still gets stuffy every now and then but it's not that bad so that's good. . . and yeah. Nothing really new!

I hope all is well with all of you guys!(:

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